To ask questions or to place an order....

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13 years

in business!

Y Knot Rope Tack

began in

March, 2007.

Thank you to my many customers for your support and loyalty!


Event Schedule

Midwest Horse Fair

Madison, WI

I will no longer be attending as a vendor

Click here

for full story


We have moved! Check out our new address on the contacts page.


New flag colors:

black, yellow,red,blue,purple


with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26    


​​​​​​​​​​Unique Trim ~ Leather Accessories

Custom Orders

Rope Halters, Lead Ropes, Long Lines,

Reins, Sticks & Strings, Hackamores,

​ Headstalls, Mecates & More

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:24  ESV



 I call these products motivators.  They are communication tools that aid in training and in everyday riding as well.

I realize that I cannot compete with the large companies that mass produce sticks and flags.  I do not have a factory with specialized equipment or a crew of employees willing to work for pennies.  But I do offer the best equipment that I can make, using the methods and materials that are feasible for a "one-horse" business.  As with all my rope products, quality is my main concern and I guarantee my workmanship.  You can no doubt find items at a lower price elsewhere but I offer these products so you can get everything in one place to save on shipping, and also so you can support a small American business.

Click on the links below for more information on the individual products

STICKS  Regular and lightweight training sticks in adult size and kid size.

STRINGS  The standard length to pair up with a training stick - adult size and kid size.  Also, catch ropes, get-down ropes and feather weight lines

FLAGS Rip stop nylon 

SPANKERS  Options for your wrist, saddle or reins -  hand whip, saddle horn spanker, romal

LABELS  Shrink tube labels to identify your equipment